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Writer's pictureAshna Arif

Effortless Budgeting: Simplify Your Monthly Expenses 

The Monthly Expense App is designed to simplify the tracking and management of monthly expenses for users within an organization. This post provides instructions on how to use the app effectively.

Viewing and Adding Expenses

Viewing Expenses: Navigate to the 'My Expenses' tab to see an overview of your draft, pending, and approved expenses.

Picture 1.1

Adding a New Expense:

  • Create a New Expense Report:

  • Click the "+" icon to initiate the creation of a new expense report.

  • Click on the 'Create' button to generate a new expense report draft.

Picture 1.2


  • Adding Expense Details:

  • Once the draft is created, click on “+ Add New Expense Item” to include individual expenses.

  • Fill in the details for each expense, such as the date, category, amount, and any necessary descriptions or attachments.

  • Save each expense item to add it to your report. You can add multiple items to the same report by repeating this step.

Picture 1.3


Picture 1.4

Managing Personal Expenses

  • Editing an Expense: Select an expense from the list to edit details or add receipts.

  • Submitting for Approval: Once an expense report is complete, submit it for review.

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